It will be overcast most of the day today, in the afternoon and evening there will be drizzle. The temperatures will reach 6°C as a maximum, in the morning down to 2°C. It will stay WINDY during thhe day, with gusts up to sppeds over 60km/h.
Tomorrow there will be a mixture of drizzle and rain during the entire day, but it will be very warm: 6 to 11°C. The storm will reach STRONG GALE force, with gusts up to 90km/h.
Tuesday there will be a lot of rain, local FLOODING (i.e. of cellars) will be possible. The temperatures will stay very mild, and will not change much during the day with a minimum of 9°C and a maximum of 10°C. During the day it will stay very windy with GALE-FORCED gusts most of the time.