2014.12.29 - Weather forecast for Berlin

#1 by Linus , Mon Dec 29, 2014 5:23 am

Note: This is the last forecast sent by e-mail until early January next year. However, some weather forecasts will be publishes on www.milk-stormchasers.de , so check there every now and then.

Today, in the morning, there will be moderate snowfall (as you might have noticed, in the night to today there was strong snowfall and now everything has a snow cover). The rest of the day it will be cloudy (not overcast!). Due to the warm-core low that brought us the snow, the temperatures will be “warm”, ranging from –4 to -2°C.

Tomorrow there will be snow once more. Over the day the risk of ICE RAIN will constantly increase, reaching it’s maximum in the evening. –6 to +0°C.

Wednesday will bring a lot of fog, and later drizzle. In other words: it won’t be very nice. But quite warm: –1 to +1°C.

Linus Höller - President of M.I.L.K. weather

Posts: 2.140
Points: 1.549
Date registered 04.09.2012


2014.12.29 - Wetter für Graz
2014.12.27 - Weather forecast for Berlin

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