On Monday it will be partly cloudy, partly sunny. The temperatures will range from 12 to 23°C.
On Tuesday it will be mainly cloudy, in the night there might be showers or THUNDERSTORMS. The temperaures will range from 12°C in the morning up to 28°C. Based on the forecast models, the thunderstorms could also already occur in the afternoon – and have the potential to be SEVERE.
On Wednesday it will stay overcast and rainy. It will be around 16°C cool the whole time.
On Thursday it will be much nicer, with only few clouds. However, in the afternoon showers can form. It will be 8 to 19°C warm again.
In the morning of Friday it will be increasingly cloudy with temperatures around 11 to 16°C. In Berlin it will be mainly cloudy and up to 21°C